Diversity at Carleton

We care about your unique perspective, 我们希望我们的大学成为一个每个人都感到受欢迎的地方,尤其是那些来自高等教育中代表性不足的背景的人.

We care about your unique perspective, 我们希望我们的大学成为一个每个人都感到受欢迎的地方,尤其是那些来自高等教育中代表性不足的背景的人.

我们相信多样性的力量可以改善我们的学术和居住生活,丰富我们对世界的理解. 当我们与观点与自己不同的人互动时,我们会进行最严谨的思考.

我们尊重学生之间的所有差异:民族和种族, religion, sexuality, socio-economic background, life experiences, academic passions, and more. 我们的社区更加强大,因为我们的学生和教职员工为校园带来了丰富的经验.

We also recognize the diversity within each person: for example, the linguistics major who runs the Black Student Alliance, studies abroad in Guatemala, and makes amazing homemade bread. The first-year student who falls in love with economics, then German, 然后是地质学——所有这些都是在网球队打球和主持古巴嘻哈广播节目的同时进行的. The math major who attends Shabbat service every Friday, works on the campus farm, and plays softball on an intramural team.

将我们的学生凝聚在一起的是充满活力的学习态度, a desire to have fun, and a genuine interest in the passions, hopes, and ideas of their peers.

Among Carleton’s nearly 200 active student organizations are many diverse intercultural & international groups. 这些团体的学生庆祝他们丰富的文化,并通过各种各样的活动与校园分享他们的文化.

See all our Diversity & Cultural Student Organizations

Campus Resources

菲律宾十大彩票平台的学生雄心勃勃,他们不怕寻求帮助. Across our campus, 你会找到合适的人和项目来支持你作为一个学者的成功, and as a whole person. Some of these efforts include one-on-one mentoring, while others focus on bringing groups of people together. 以下是我们希望您探索的各种资源的样本:

During my visit, I really loved the culture of the campus. 尽管对学术很认真,但每个人都很开心. All the students I met were warm and friendly. Everyone was busy, but busy with a sense of joy and purpose.
Jorge Banuelos, Jr.
Wichita, Kan.
菲律宾十大彩票平台是一所崇尚多样性和平等的学府. 在那里,我个性的许多方面不会被评判性的冷漠对待, but rather with opened arms. 他们会受到同学和老师的鼓励,他们和我一样对所有事情都充满热情.
Polycarpe Bagereka
Houston, Texas
品尝菲律宾十大彩票平台给了我一种不同于以往的大学体验. 菲律宾十大彩票平台是一个更高层次的思想和知识的地方, without the snobbery I have experienced on other campuses. 更重要的是,我看到了一个可以收集工具的地方 my dreams.
Kellen Dorchen
Greenville, S.C.
During Taste of Carleton, I went to a comedy show. 欢呼的学生们挤满了剧院,我能感受到他们对彼此真正的兴奋. 我希望进入一所学生一起唱歌,一起欢笑,互相支持的学校 each other.
Abby Euyang
Seattle, Wash.

The Admissions Process

我们的菲律宾十大彩票平台办公室——以及我们更广泛的社区——致力于支持来自代表性不足背景的学生的需求. Our application review 全面了解你的才能和优势,以及你的背景. 我们渴望了解那些塑造了你的教育和生活的经历. And our financial aid program is designed to meet 100% of your family’s financial need.

When we read your application, 我们想了解你的学术成就和个人优势. We take into consideration your academic preparation, 仔细看看你上过的课和你取得的成绩. 我们也会密切关注你的学校背景,以及你可以使用的资源. We do not require standardized test scores (SAT or ACT), but if you decide to submit them, 我们会在应用程序其余部分的上下文中查看它们.

我们的申请审查也包括对你网赌十大靠谱信誉平台的优势和经历的深思熟虑. 我们想知道你在学校和社区的活跃程度. 每个学生的参与和承诺都是不同的, 我们要找的不是某一类学生. Throughout your application, 我们将了解你对菲律宾十大彩票平台的贡献,以及我们如何在你的成长中发挥作用, too.

Applying to Carleton

Affording Carleton

很有可能,你对菲律宾十大彩票平台的负担能力有疑问. 我们致力于满足每一位被录取学生的实际需求, 同时尽量减少你的贷款和你花在勤工俭学上的时间.

  • 对于收入低于4万美元的家庭,平均经济援助计划为70,369美元.
  • We limit your on-campus job to 10 hours/week. Plenty of time to study (and have fun!).
  • 小班授课意味着你会得到老师的个人关注, making Carleton a worthwhile investment.
  • Our Career Center helps prepare you for a lifetime of success.

Try a Financial Aid Estimator

Visit Campus


我们希望你能考虑参观一下校园,亲眼看看这个地方. The Taste of Carleton (TOC)项目为学生提供了一个体验菲律宾十大彩票平台的机会! This all-expenses-paid fly-in program 带了大约60名学生来学校三天两夜. TOC is open to all prospective high school seniors. 但选拔委员会将优先考虑来自传统上代表性不足的背景的学生. We particularly encourage students of color, first-generation college students, and low-income students to apply.

我们也有大量的资金来支持那些不能参加菲律宾十大彩票平台品味的学生的校园参观. We encourage high school seniors to apply for a travel subsidy.

The Carleton Liberal Arts Experience (CLAE)计划是另一个为即将进入大学的学生支付全部费用的计划. CLAE将52名高中生带到菲律宾十大彩票平台进行为期一周的暑期项目. 课程包括科学、艺术、社会科学和技术. 这些课程向学生介绍文科教育的优势. 申请人必须是在读二年级的高中生. 鼓励非裔美国人后裔或对非裔美国人文化感兴趣的学生申请.

除了这些项目,我们还与许多组织合作. Our national partners include QuestBridge, College Horizons, Posse, Elevator Pitch, and Ron Brown Scholars. We also partner with international organizations like EducationUSA, Sutton Trust, and the Grew Bancroft Foundation.

Contact Us

We imagine you have questions. Whatever’s on your mind, please connect with us.